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Scientific CV Template
If you are looking for your next position in the science industry, it is important to optimise and tailor your CV to give yourself the best possible chance of securing your dream role.Build the perfect scientific CV with our free template below:[Full Name][Home Address][Contact Number] • [Email Address]Personal StatementThis section is your chance to summarise the rest of the CV, and convince the recruiter to get in touch. It is important to keep it brief, between 50-200 words and outline; who you are, any specific skills you have to offer (including ‘soft skills’) and your career aim.Depending on the role, the key ‘soft skills’ employers are likely to look for include: communication, decision making, leadership skills, problem solving and being a team player. Be sure to reference your ability in these areas wherever possible in your CV.I have gained valuable experience in [area of expertise] at [organisation name] and have a particular wealth of experience and skills in [specific area]. I graduated in [year] from [university name] with a [degree class] degree in [subject], and am now an [industry] professional.My important achievements include working alongside the [team name] team at [organisation], and contributing to projects such as [project name]. I was responsible for/organised [task] and increased/decreased [profit/other metric] by [£X/X%].I am looking for my next opportunity within an [business type/industry] organisation, where I can bring real value and develop my [scientific/research] skills further.EducationThis is your chance to talk about your qualifications, academic and vocational. This is a particularly important section for those with no relevant work experience. You should give detail about what you studied, where and when, and list them in chronological order. If you have many of one qualification, such as GCSEs you might find it useful to group them together.[University Name][Date M/Y– Date M/Y]Degree subject and class achieved (list Masters/PhD first)Modules studiedSkills usedDissertation brief[College/School Name][Date M/Y– Date M/Y]A-levels:[Subject] – [Grade][Subject] – [Grade][Subject] – [Grade][College/School Name][Date M/Y– Date M/Y]GCSEs:[Number] GCSEs, grades [range], including Maths and EnglishSkillsThis section is useful to clearly outline the laboratory/scientific skills you’ve gained at university or in industry. Include even minor relevant skills to increase your chances of being discovered in a CV database search.Work experienceThis should be brief and, as a general rule of thumb, focus on the last five years of your career, or last three roles, in chronological order with most recent at the top.If you are a recent graduate then work experience should be listed before your degree details - if the work undertaken was relevant. If it was not relevant to your industry then list detailed degree/dissertation information first.You should highlight your key achievements and use bullet points rather than lengthy descriptions.[Job Title], [Company Name] [Location][Date M/Y- Date M/Y]Achievements and responsibilities:Brief role overviewWorked alongside [team] to produce [project]Implemented [change] which resulted in [benefit]Received an [award name] for [reason]Hobbies and InterestsThis section is not essential to include, but you may wish to depending on the role you are applying for. It can be a useful chance to show a little more of your personality. However, be warned this can be very subjective, ensure anything listed here reinforces your application and the idea that you’ll be the right fit for the role. If you don’t have any real relatable hobbies, it is probably best to omit this section.I organise a weekly [sport] game, manage bookings, transport and help to coach the team.Undertook a [course] in order to improve my [skill].ReferencesReferences are available upon request.Download our full scientific CV template.
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Coaching for intersectional inclusion
Everyone has multiple layers to their identity, and no one is one label. There are other aspects of their identities to consider, and no one should be put in a box. Many businesses, which celebrate Pride Month, for example, are perceived as not doing enough for people who are underrepresented in more than one way.Recent research by Culture Amp in ‘The Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Report 2024’ found disabled women and black women are more doubtful of their employers’ equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging (EDI&B) efforts than any other group.This is likely because women might feel their entire identity and additional barriers aren’t being considered, if they are part of more than one underrepresented group. Some employers’ initiatives provide a base-level overview of inclusion for women, but they might only explore the perspectives of white women, for example, or women in general, with no specific solutions explored for LGBTQ+, disabled or black women, for instance. Each may have very different experiences of what it means to be a woman.Coaching people within your organisation can help leaders and employees gain a deeper understanding of intersectionality and why it’s important. We interviewed Mary-Clare Race, CEO of Talking Talent, for her insight and best-practice tips on all things coaching and inclusion.Q: What's the difference between coaching, mentoring, and other types of training, especially when it comes to equality, diversity, inclusion and belonging?A: These terms are often used interchangeably in the world of talent development, but we see a clear distinction between them that is especially important when it comes to EDI&B.In a training situation, the primary goal is typically to transfer knowledge from the facilitator to the participant, to raise their awareness and understanding of a particular topic or skill and provide them with practical tips on how to put that skill into action for themselves.In a mentoring situation, there is also an element of knowledge transfer, but in a more personalised, relationship based, one-to-one situation where the mentee is paired up with a more experienced mentor who is there to provide them with support, advice and guidance.Coaching takes the relationship-based approach one step further and focuses on supporting and facilitating the coachee to actively step in and facilitate their own outcomes. It is not about giving them the answer but rather supporting them to find their own answer, their own way forward.At Talking Talent, we favour a coaching-led approach because it enables a deeper level of behavioural change. The coachee must be actively engaged and motivated to do the inner work on themselves and the coach is there to hold them to account. However, there is a role for all three approaches when it comes to solving EDI&B challenges and real power in combining all three.Q: How can coaching help businesses become more inclusive and diverse?A: If you look at what it takes to really move an organisation forward with their EDI&B strategy, we believe you've got to take a systemic approach and build inclusion into your culture and in how people behave every day.There are several ways coaching can help with this:Leadership behaviours: by working with a coach, leaders become more aware of their own biases, preferences and how their own identity shapes how they show up as a leader. The coach can help them develop the skills needed to foster a culture of inclusion and hold themselves and others accountable.Developing talent: in many organisations there are pockets of talent who have been overlooked because of some aspect of their identity. Coaching-led programmes can support under-represented talent to thrive and overcome what may be holding them back so they can fulfil their true potential. And by offering coaching-led programmes that address the unique needs of underrepresented individuals, organisations demonstrate their commitment to supporting the needs of all their employees - thus driving retention and engagement levels up.Improving culture: at the heart of culture change is the need to move behaviours forward at an organisational level. We believe coaching is the most powerful way to do this for an organisation - by helping individuals and groups develop the self-awareness, emotional intelligence and relational competency to work effectively in diverse teams and build inclusion into the culture.Q: In your experience, why are diversity and inclusion initiatives so important to organisations and their talent attraction and retention?A: In our industry, there's been significant backlash against EDI&B efforts, particularly in North America, and this sentiment seems to be growing globally. The issue often lies in viewing EDI&B initiatives as separate from core organisational culture. For me, EDI&B is about creating an environment where every individual, regardless of identity, can thrive and contribute fully. This isn't just about ticking boxes – it's critical for attracting and retaining talent, and crucial for overall business performance.Ultimately, EDI&B isn't merely an add-on; it's integral to effective leadership and to building success at all levels of your organisation. It's about fostering authenticity, encouraging diverse perspectives, and empowering individuals to contribute their best work. These principles are essential for any business striving to maximise performance and leverage a diverse talent pool, regardless of their specific commitments or strategies. It's about creating a workplace culture where everyone can succeed and where the organisation benefits from the full potential of its people.Q: Who should be coached in inclusion and diversity within an organisation? And why?A:When considering who should be coached in inclusion and diversity within an organisation, it's crucial to view these efforts as integral to successful business practice. While not everyone needs individual coaching, it's essential to ensure all members of the organisation are engaged in the journey towards inclusivity.For leadership teams, coaching can be particularly impactful in fostering a culture where inclusion is actively cultivated and practiced. Leaders can learn to demonstrate inclusive behaviours and set the tone for the entire organisation.Additionally, focusing coaching efforts on groups that have historically faced barriers – such as women, marginalised ethnicities, or neurodivergent individuals – can be highly beneficial. By addressing systemic challenges these groups face, organisations can promote fairness and unlock their full potential.Ultimately, the decision on who to coach should be informed by the organisation's current state and readiness for change. A tailored approach ensures that coaching initiatives align with strategic goals and create meaningful impact across the entire workforce.Q: To what extent is intersectionality considered in your coaching and why is it important?A: This is one of the reasons why coaching is so effective, because intersectionality is really about the need to recognise we are all more than a set of labels. We have a lot of different aspects of our identity that intersect. Our gender, race, age, sexuality, social background, neurodiversity etc. are all important elements to consider. And it's important to consider the unique experiences individuals have, particularly when they have one or more identities intersecting, and where there might have been barriers against people with those identities.That's key in our coaching approach, because coaching allows you to meet the individual where they are. It's not so much that we are coaching people about intersectionality, but we're really considering the unique person that comes into the coaching experience.And the risk of not doing that is you put people in a box, and it can be further disenfranchising for them because they're thinking, "Well, actually, I'm being given this opportunity as a woman, but it's not taking into account all of these other aspects of my identity that are intersecting with it and I am being required to leave that part behind."By failing to consider intersectionality in a coaching situation you can, in fact, make the situation more difficult for the coachee.Q: You’re teaching others to be inclusive, but how does your organisation ensure it's walking the walk, not just talking the talk?A: It's something we're very passionate about obviously, we have our own DE&I council, which is chaired by myself as a CEO, in partnership with our Head of People, and HR.We are actively looking at all aspects of our culture in terms of how we build inclusion, and how effective our leaders, policies and processes are. Do we feel that they're fair? Is there any way in which we're discriminating against certain groups? Whether that's in our recruitment processes or in how promotions happen or how opportunities are given within the business – and we make that very much a managerial responsibility.We're also constantly looking at our own metrics and where we need to be rebalancing our employee profile. So, across all aspects of diversity, it's a big focus for us.And we have a DE&I strategy and plan that we're working to with the support of a council which is made up of different members of our workforce.Q: What advice would you give to those companies that maybe can't afford coaching services in EDI&B? What can they do themselves to make improvements?A: For companies facing budget constraints and unable to invest in external coaching services for EDI&B, there are practical steps they can take to drive improvement internally.Exploring alternative coaching methodologies can be effective; options like group coaching sessions or coaching circles, facilitated by peers, harness collective insights and promote shared learning.Additionally, companies should leverage existing coaching resources and talent internally. Assess whether there are individuals within the organisation who possess coaching skills or can be trained in coaching as part of leadership development initiatives.Talking Talent, for instance, has digital offerings that are coaching-led and digitally enabled, making them accessible and scalable for organisations looking to expand their impact globally.By exploring these approaches, organisations can foster a culture of continuous improvement in inclusion and diversity without incurring significant external costs. These steps not only enhance organisational effectiveness but also contribute to a more inclusive workplace environment.If you’re looking for a talented employee or a new opportunity, contact your nearest Reed office.
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Graduate Technology CV Template
Before you start populating your CV - do you research. We've analysed over 600 data points from Google and the O*NET Skills Database to find out the key skills required to be successful in a host of technology roles. Explore the data now to upgrade your CVVisit state of skills[Full Name][Home address][Contact Number] • [Email Address][Social Media]Driving Licence • Own CarAdd as many vehicles for communication as possible here. This will show that you are open to new products and communication methods. If you are a member of a development forum such as GitHub, Stack Overflow etc. then add your details - making sure that all details/names you provide are business appropriate.Personal StatementKeep this section of your CV short, factual and snappy. This is the equivalent of your ‘blurb’ that makes the employer read on. It’s your opportunity to highlight ‘who you are’ and ‘what you want’, but remember balance is key. There’s a danger in both underselling and overselling yourself.I graduated from the University of [university name] in [year] with a [degree class] degree in [subject]. Since then I have undertaken a [work placement/internship/graduate scheme] at [organisation name]. This experience allowed me to develop a host of technical skills including [skill] as well as [skill].Whilst working with [organisation], I worked in the [team name] team contributing to projects including [project name]. I was responsible for/organised [task], and helped to increase [profit/other metric] by [£X/X%].I am looking for an opportunity within an [business type/industry] organisation, where I can bring real value, and develop my skills further.EducationThis part of your CV is more important when on the first rungs of the ladder career wise, so it’s in your best interest to match your theoretical knowledge and experience to the job you are applying for.Make sure you add any placements years, dissertations, research papers written, technical skills learnt, and projects completed that are relevant, and again match the salient points to the role. [University Name][Date M/Y– Date M/Y][Degree Class] [Degree Name][College/School Name][Date M/Y– Date M/Y]A-levels:[Subject] – [Grade][Subject] – [Grade][Subject] – [Grade]GCSEs:[Number] GCSEs, grades [range], including Maths and EnglishWork experienceIf you are a recent graduate or someone new to the IT market, this section should be aimed at supporting your application, be it a first step or career change into IT. Unless you’ve completed a work placement or have volunteered, there’s a chance your work experience may not be particularly relevant, however the importance of this section is two-fold. Any jobs you’ve had whilst at college or university can demonstrate an attitude to work, and show that you already have experience working under instruction.If you are new to IT, then you need to focus on any transferable skills you have. For example, if you are applying for a web development role, talk about arranging window displays in previous retail positions. If you are applying for a business analyst job, highlight experience in dealing with and processing information (to show communication and data gathering skills).[Job Title], [Company Name] [Location][Date M/Y- Date M/Y]Achievements and responsibilities:Brief role overviewWorked alongside [team] to produce [project]Implemented [change] which resulted in [benefit]Received an [award name] for [reason]Hobbies and interestsDo not underestimate the importance of this section. It can be an excellent opportunity to show creativity, leadership and many other traits that a potential employer may be looking for – above and beyond your academic achievements and work experience.For example, if you ran a club at university it shows organisational and leadership skills. If you are an avid photographer, and have had work appear online it shows creativity, passion and commitment.However, be warned, this can sometimes be subjective. So where possible, try to ensure anything listed here reinforces a work application and your general persona - some pastimes and hobbies may unintentionally allow a potential employer to form a negative opinion. ReferencesReferences are available upon request.Download our full graduate technology CV template.
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Parenting Out Loud: improving support for working fathers
The idea of ‘Parenting Out Loud’ is that dads can be loud and proud, open and transparent, about their caring responsibilities at work.The campaign launched in April, and you may have seen their takeover of the London Underground, with posters across Euston, Victoria and Waterloo stations.‘Parenting Out Loud’ involves men:Requesting flexible working for childcare reasonsBeing ‘loud and proud’ about taking parental leaveComing back from parental leave, blogging about it and telling colleagues how good it was and what they learntUsing their out-of-office to talk about childcare responsibilitiesBeing honest with line managers when they need to work from home to look after their sick childrenDuring the General Election campaign, now-Prime Minister Keir Starmer was criticised by the Conservative Party for asserting his intention to finish working on Fridays at 6pm, because it’s reserved for family time.A while before that, Piers Morgan criticised Daniel Craig for wearing a papoose – questioning his masculinity.Elliott Rae works with organisations, through keynotes, workshops, and consultancy, to help them support working dads.According to Elliott, during the pandemic lockdowns, one positive thing that happened was men got to spend more time with their children than ever before, due to having to work from home. Many men found this to be a profoundly positive experience, improving their relationships with their children and making them happier and mentally healthier as a result.Read the full interview with Elliott Rae, Author, Speaker, and Founder of ‘Parenting Out Loud’:Q: What challenges do working dads face in the workplace?A: Before I get into that, I just want to say working mums have faced challenges for years. It's good we're now talking about the challenges working dads are facing, because that helps create more equality in the workplace.It means working dads are more involved and active as parents, and they're going to come across some of those same challenges mothers have faced.Policy: statutory paternity leave in the UK, at present, is one of the least favourable in Europe. It works out at about £182 per week. And around one-in-five dads don't take any paternity leave at all, just because of affordability.Shared parental leave hasn’t worked. Yes, some people have had some good examples and situations with it, but as a macro policy, it just hasn't worked. The take up has been around four per cent of eligible couples across the country.Flexible working: we know, across the UK, men are less likely to ask for flexible working. When they do, they are less likely to have those requests approved, due to traditional gendered ideas about who does caregiving in the home. This exists because managers and leaders are products of their environment. That results in dads being scared to ask for flexible working and not getting it when they do.It's good we’re talking about flexible working in a range of different industries. In many industries where you have to be onsite, around fifty per cent of the working population, this can be a more difficult issue to address, but it should still be reviewed.Culture: outdated ideas of what it means to be a man, what it means to be a dad – that men aren't equal caregivers or caregivers at all – still exist in many homes and workplaces. This can be a real challenge for dads when it comes to them being caregivers and having a job.Q: Why do you think these challenges exist?A: For decades, society has done things in a certain way. We've had quite rigid gendered parenting roles over the years, and we are still living in a world where they exist.We may be fighting back against them, but we still have strong ideas around who does the care within households. We haven't reformed government policies to match some Nordic countries, who are doing things much better than we are.However, in a way, Covid and the lockdown were good for fathers. They spent more time with their children than ever before. For decades, men have dominated in senior roles across industries, and a lot of the time they got there with the help of a stay-at-home partner.We've done this for many years, and it's an exciting time now, where we are starting to rethink what family could look like, what success is for men, and the options available to dads to be able to do things differently.Q: To what extent could this help women be more successful at work?A: Not to namedrop, but I was invited to see Michelle Obama last year in Munich. She spoke about parenting and social impact and leadership. At one point, the interviewer asked Michelle, “How do we support more women, like you, who are successful in their careers? You're the former first lady, but you're also a very involved mother.” And she said, “We get men to do more.”Society has changed so much. Both partners are increasingly working full time. There needs to be a fundamental shift in how we set up the care in our household. And we are not there yet at all. We know that even in couples where a man and woman both work full time, mothers will still do most of the childcare and domestic care.The conversations we’re having now are not just good for mums, but for dads too. Research shows men are happier when they have close relationships with their children. Success for many men now looks like: yes, career progression and earning money – but also having strong relationships, knowing our children, and looking after our wellbeing.We are moving away from just being breadwinners, which was quite damaging for our longevity, health and relationships.Q: What impact could longer paternity leave have on working fathers?A: Enhanced paid paternity leave, and an organisational culture that supports dads to take it, is fundamental. When they take it, it has profound impacts on the family.It's important for expectant dads to think about the kind of parent they want to be; the bond they want to have, what kind of music they're going to play or sing to them, what books they're going to read them, what kind of dad they want to be to their child – and build that connection before their baby's even born.They should be part of the birthing process, and an integral part of the family set up in those first early months.When dads have that opportunity to bond with their baby, they can learn how to parent independently. We need that time to build strong relationships between fathers and children. We know that when dads can do that, they are more likely to be active caregivers for the rest of a child's life.It's sad that we have a statutory paternity policy that means dads have just two weeks off. Lots of men will have a physiological, psychological, emotional, even physical change, after becoming a parent. A lot of dads will have a drop in testosterone, for example. That's nature's lovely way of helping us to be caregivers.We need time to adapt to what it means to be a father. Our life and our relationship with our partner have changed fundamentally. We know that one-in-10 dads suffer from some form of post-natal depression, along with one-in-five mums. One of the key risk indicators for dads developing post-natal depression is a lack of bond with their baby.Q: In addition to longer parental leave, what support do you think employers should be providing fathers in their workforce?A: Longer parental leave is imperative. There are around 90-to-100 organisations that have offered equal parental leave – and many more that have enhanced their paternity leave to six-weeks, paid, or 12-weeks, paid, which is fantastic. I think that sends a strong signal. But of course, paternity leave doesn't solve the issues themselves. There’s much more employers can do.Firstly, they should think about equity and equality when making decisions on who should be allowed to work flexibly, to avoid any bias, and consider whatflexible workinglooks like for working dads.Organisations should implementdad networks. Having a solid community and conversations in the workplace about the shared experience is so powerful. They can share joys and challenges. Everyone has a different circumstance, so they can explore nuances. These groups can have a significant impact on the wellbeing of fathers. It can also make work feel like a sanctuary, rather than a place that compounds the issues you have at home.Organisations are starting to understand the power of staff networks for parents, and that dads need their own group within that parenting network. Post-Covid, we’ve seen many big organisations, for example Microsoft and the Co-op, launch spaces for dads.Role modelling and leadership: leaders who ‘Parent Out Loud’ are compassionate, have empathy, and can challenge their own ideas about gendered parenting roles, support working dads to take the full parental leave that's available, to work flexibly, to make sure they understand employees have lives outside of work and support them being equal caregivers.Q: To what extent do support needs change depending on the age of their children?A: Good question, because it's very tempting to focus just on the early years. Don't get me wrong, the early years are important for setting a foundation for what parenting and fatherhood and childcare responsibilities look like in a household.But we have parental responsibilities for our whole lives. I'm sure there are people reading this who have children going to university or living back home with them after study.We published a book called ‘Dad’. It’s a curation of 20 stories from different men. There's one story from a dad who talks about his children becoming his friends when they got older and went to university.There's a story about a dad who became a father during Covid and stories around miscarriage and stillbirth, gay fatherhood, and co-parenting. It's a great example of dads talking deeply about the whole parenting aspect.Q: What cultural changes would you like to see implemented across UK workplaces?A: The culture of an organisation represents how things are done, how we make decisions, and how we treat people. It's important for leaders to understand what their company culture looks like, and what that means for people in their organisation.When it comes to working dads, we know strong, supportive, inclusive cultures will result in higher retention of talent. Dads are going to want to come to work for you, and they're going to be mentally fit and want to go above and beyond.Cultural change work is deep. It means investing in really getting to know your people. Leaders need to be accountable for how they’re contributing to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. They must have behavioural standards, call out bad behaviour, amplify good practice, and role model ‘Parenting Out Loud’.I've seen so many people get promoted into leadership roles because of their core professional competency, over and above their ability to lead people. Leading people is a skill we can all learn. When we can create good leaders, we can build positive cultures.That means those leaders need development and support to understand how to be people-people; the power of active listening, how to implement policies in the right way, to champion staff networks, to be aware of the data and information in their areas, and in their blind spots.Q: Overall, what piece of advice you would give business leaders to ensure working fathers in their workplace feel sufficiently supported?A: My advice for leaders would be to invest in supporting working dads to ‘Parent Out Loud’, support dads to be loud and proud about their care responsibilities. Eighty per cent of the gender pay gap is the motherhood penalty – the way in which having a baby can impact a woman's career.If we want to really encourage gender equity and women's progression in the workplace into senior levels, we must engage with dads being active and equal parents. Those two things are so interlinked it's impossible to get gender equality and female representation in senior roles without engaging dads to be equal parents.Leaders should also understand the mental health and wellbeing of their people, and of dads. Dads have joys, but also challenges and issues, and they need to be supported through those issues.Ultimately, this is where society is going. Research shows younger people, including younger parents, are making decisions on where they're going to work based on how much the organisation cares about their whole life – not just their work life.If you’re looking for a talented professional to join your organisation, or a new opportunity, contact your nearest Reed office now.
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Marketing & Creative (Agency) CV Template
Build the perfect marketing and creative agency CV with our free template[Full Name], [Field of Expertise][Home Address][Contact Number] • [Email Address]ProfileThis section is your opportunity to explain who you are, and to convince the recruiter to get in touch. It is important to keep it brief, relevant, and to use key words. You should explain your experience and benefit to an employer, and it may also be worth mentioning how you engage with clients.Having worked in the marketing industry for the last [number] of years, I have gained valuable experience in [area of expertise] working with organisations such as [organisation names], and have a particular wealth of knowledge and skill in [specific area].My core strengths include, but are not limited to [categorise the areas in which you have worked/had exposure to and how this has benefitted certain organisations e.g. digital, content, SEO, PPC, web campaign pages, whitepapers, articles, videos, infographics, brochures, value propositions, case studies, presentations, blog posts etc.]I am looking for my next opportunity within an [business type/industry] organisation, where I can bring real value and develop my skills further.Courses, Training & EducationThis is your chance to talk about your qualifications, both academic and vocational. This is a particularly important section for those with less experience. You should give detail about what you studied, where and when, and list them in chronological order. If you have completed professional training and industry specific courses and qualifications detail these first with the relevance to your chosen field.[Professional Qualifications/Courses/Associations/Memberships][Date M/Y– Date M/Y]E.g. CIM Diploma[University/College Name], [Location][Date M/Y– Date M/Y][Degree Class] [Degree Name] [Add any relevant degree content/modules e.g. dissertation][School/College Name], [Location][Date M/Y– Date M/Y]A-levels:[Subject] – [Grade][Subject] – [Grade][Subject] – [Grade][Subject] – [Grade]GCSEs:[Number] GCSEs, grades [range], including Maths and EnglishAchievementsIf you have worked on specific projects with clients or campaigns this is a great place to highlight the success of these. Ensure that there are a wide range of keywords relating to your expertise. This will help to ensure that you are picked up by a recruiter on a search.My important achievements include working alongside the [team name] team at [organisation] contributing to projects including [project name]. I was responsible for/organised [task] and increased [profit/other metric] by [£X/X%]. In my current and past roles I have been responsible for [e.g. digital marketing strategies, website management, SEO, PPC, social media, email, CRM, third party sales, affiliate marketing etc.]Work ExperienceThis part of your CV should be clear and succinct, and focus on the last five years of your career, or last three roles that are relevant to your field, in chronological order with the most recent at the top.If it is not obvious, put a brief explanation of the sector that the organisation sits in/works with. You should highlight your key achievements, and use bullet points rather than lengthy descriptions. If you have worked on specific projects or with particular clients, list this here.[Job Title], [Company Name] [Location] [Sector][Date M/Y- Date M/Y]Give a brief role overview and you may want to break the role down into particular areas to show your breadth of experience.Responsibilities:Account management and reportingAccount deliveryProject managementStrategic and tactical planningAchievements:Worked alongside [team] to produce [project]Implemented [change] which resulted in [benefit]Received an [award name] for [reason]Hobbies and InterestsThis section is not essential to include, but you may wish to depending on the role you are applying for. It can be a useful chance to show a little more of your personality. However, be warned this can be very subjective, ensure anything listed here reinforces your application and the idea that you’ll be the right fit for the role. If you don’t have any real relatable hobbies, it is probably best to omit this section.Undertook a [course] in order to improve my [skill].I organise a weekly [sport] game, manage bookings, transport and help to coach the team.I have recently created and designed a content marketing guide, this includes audience engagement, idea generation and product research.Download our full marketing & creative (agency) CV template.
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Enhancing the candidate hiring experience for success
The candidate experience can make or break your ability to attract top talent. It encompasses every touchpoint a candidate has with your company, from the initial application process, right through to the onboarding phase and beyond.In an age where shared experiences are commonplace, it’s much more likely candidates will not apply for a position at a company if they’ve had a bad experience with them, and some will actively advise their peers to not apply either. Focusing on creating a positive candidate experience will not only create a positive image for your company but will also enhance your employer brand – setting the stage for a productive and satisfied workforce.We delve into the key stages of the candidate experience and what you can do at those stages to ensure the journey is seamless.The application processThe application process is often the first interaction a candidate has with your company, so it needs to set the tone for what candidates can expect if they progress through the hiring process.For the best experience you should make sure your application process is:Simple: an overly complex application process can deter qualified candidates – with 60% of job seekers abandoning a job application due to its length and complexity. Simplify your application form to include only the most essential information needed at this stage. Avoid lengthy forms and repetitive questions.Clear: job descriptions should be detailed and clear, outlining the necessary qualifications, responsibilities, and expectations. This transparency helps candidates self-assess their suitability for the role, saving time for both parties.Accessible: ensure your application portal is mobile-friendly and accessible to individuals with disabilities and impairments. A user-friendly interface reflects well on your company's inclusivity and attention to detail.Responsive: automated acknowledgments for received applications and realistic timelines for the hiring process can significantly enhance the candidate experience. Candidates appreciate knowing where they stand and what to expect next.A streamlined, transparent application process shows respect for the candidate’s time and signals that your company values efficiency and clarity, making it more likely for high-calibre candidates to apply.The interview processThe interview process is a critical phase where candidates form deeper impressions of your company culture and values. This will likely be the first time your hiring managers or senior members of staff interact with candidates, so impressions from this point help reinforce the right messaging for your business.To create a positive experience for all those who have accepted an interview, consider the following:Be preparedEnsure your interviewers are well-prepared and familiar with the candidate’s CV, application, and the specifics of the role.Show respectBe punctual for interviews, whether they are conducted in person, over the phone, or via virtual call. A candidate’s time needs to be valued – just as much as your time is to them.Promote transparencyBefore the interview, clearly explain the structure of the process, including the number of rounds, the types of interviews, and who is conducting the interview. Transparency will help candidates feel more comfortable and prepared.Encourage engagementInterviews should be conversational and two-sided. Encourage candidates to ask questions about the role, team, and company culture. This engagement provides them with necessary information and shows you value their input and what they deem essential knowledge.Give feedbackProvide timely and constructive feedback after each interview stage. If a candidate is not moving forward, clear and specific feedback can help them in their future job searches and leaves them with a positive impression of your company.OnboardingOnboarding is the bridge between hiring and the early stages of employment, with 69% of employees more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experienced a positive onboarding process.An effective onboarding process can significantly impact a new hire’s experience and productivity – helping them to settle into their new surroundings more quickly and effectively.What do you need to consider?The overall onboarding process: have a detailed onboarding plan ready before the new hire’s start date. This plan should include necessary paperwork, a schedule of training sessions, and introductions to key team members.The initial welcome: make new employees feel welcome with a warm introduction to the team. This could include a welcome package, a personalised welcome note, and a team lunch – which can all go a long way in making new hires feel appreciated from the start.Training and resources: provide comprehensive training to help new hires understand their role, the tools they will be using, and the company’s processes. Tailor the training to the specific needs of the role and the individual.Support: assign a mentor or buddy to help them navigate the company culture and land on their feet. New jobs can be overwhelming at first, so an effective support system can help new hires acclimatise faster and feel more connected to the team.You want those new hires to feel valued and supported from the start, helping to lead to higher job satisfaction, quicker productivity, and better retention rates.The opening months of employmentThe first few months are crucial for a new employee’s long-term success and integration into the company.Consistent support and recognition during the initial months can significantly enhance job satisfaction and performance. There are still things you can do at this point to ensure employee satisfaction levels remain high.Try to schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress, address concerns, and provide feedback. These check-ins help identify any issues and show you are invested in employees’ success, while goal setting will give new hires a sense of direction and purpose.Ongoing encouragement in those early parts of an employee’s tenure is crucial for creating a sense of value and boosting morale – be it in meetings, 1-2-1s or via internal channels to the wider workforce. Acknowledging contributions – no matter how big or small – will help to reinforce positive behaviour and motivate new hires.Spare a thought for those unsuccessful candidatesThe entire aim of the candidate experience is to allow your reputation as an employer to stand out – this is especially true when liaising with those candidates who weren’t offered the job. Their experience in the overall selection process will determine whether they apply for another job at your company.A positive candidate experience should extend to those who do not get the job. Handling rejections with care is essential for maintaining a positive employer brand and leaving a lasting good impression.It is important to inform candidates of your decision as soon as possible as delayed communication can leave candidates feeling anxious. If possible, it is also worth providing candidates with personalised feedback that can help them in their job search. Generic or vague responses can be frustrating; specific feedback shows that you took the time to consider their application thoughtfully.Also remember to thank people for their time and interest in your company, and if appropriate, encourage them to apply for future opportunities – which will help maintain a pool of potential talent.Remember that every stage of the hiring process, from application to onboarding and beyond, presents an opportunity to showcase your company’s values and culture. A positive candidate experience leads to a more engaged and productive workforce, ultimately driving your business forward.If you want to provide the best candidate experience for a vacancy you have at your company, get in touch with our experienced recruiters who can help today.